Why is it important to implement a discipleship process in a Christian church?
Discipleship is an essential practice for the spiritual growth of Christians and for the expansion of the Kingdom of God. But the job is not just to preach the gospel, it goes as far as making disciples. Evangelizing is part of the process, making the evangelized person a disciple is the complete work.
If a Christian already knows the Bible, does he need to participate in discipleship?
Considering the text of Matthew 28:19-20, this ordinance was not given only to the apostles, it was given to all those who believed. A Christian only becomes a true disciple when he is able to disciple others. And I will go further, a Christian can only consider himself a true disciple when he is able to beget disciples, and his disciples are discipling other people. At that moment, effectively, we can affirm the effectiveness of the disciple.
Discipleship is the movement needed to move the waters in the church.
It is he who ensures a healthy exchange in the church, welcoming new converts, teaching them to follow Christ, and transforming them into leaders who also evangelize and disciple others.
Some of the advantages of implementing a discipleship process:
- To strengthen the bond between brothers and sisters in Christ, generating communion, friendship, and mutual support.
- To develop Christian character by promoting the fruit of the Spirit, spiritual gifts, and Christian virtues.
- To deepen biblical, theological, and practical knowledge, empowering Christians to defend their faith and apply God’s Word in all areas of life.
- Broaden the missionary vision, awakening love for the lost and involvement with God’s work in the world.
- Increase the number of people saved, baptized, and integrated into the church, fulfilling God’s purpose for his glory.
How do I implement a discipleship process?
Implanting a discipleship process in a Christian church means creating a structure and culture that facilitates and encourages this relationship between disciples and disciples.
The Puzzle Piece Program is designed to be applied over a period of ten weeks, that is, at least ten meetings.
These meetings can be held through a few formats:
- Discipleship one by one
- Discipleship in small groups
- Discipleship in classes
We suggest church planting through three steps to maximize the outcome and effectiveness of discipleship. But the important thing is that there is a commitment from church leadership and members to prioritize discipleship as a way of life.
Through our material for implementation and meetings with the leadership, planning the training of leaders and the launch of the project in the church.
We define the deployment model (classes and mentoring, small groups, or one-on-one discipleship) and how the discipleship program will integrate into the church’s culture and process.
We have defined how the Congress of Disciplers will be held.
Acquisition of study books according to planning and expectation.
Congress of Disciplers
The Congress of Disciples is an event that takes place in three sessions in person or online to:
- To make the church aware of the importance and role of each one in discipleship.
- Training of disciplers who will implement discipleship in the model set by the church.
- Launch of the program in the Church.
During the first cycle in the church:
- We send all the auxiliary material for the ministry of the discipleship sessions.
- We follow up with the leadership. Feedback and alignment sessions, and Results Evaluation.
Let us disciple together!
Take advantage of this opportunity to create a generation of true disciples.
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